Centro Relojero Pedro Izquierdo

mi proyecto moddig concurso


New member
como veo el tema paradillo y ninguno enseñais vuestros avances, me he decidido a poner este post para que os riais un poco con mis desgracias

hoy aunque es sabado, me he levantado pronto y he decidido ponerme a jugar con las piezas del mecano que han llegado esta semana.

os pongo unas fotos de como va el proceso, para que las critiqueis todo lo que os apetezca.

las fotos malas como siempre :rofl::rofl:

el paciente segun llego a casa (poco se esperaba lo que le iba a suceder)

el sujeto despues de someterlo a la tortura por desmenbramiento (vamos como si hubiese atentado contra el rey)

como ni aun asi confesaba, tuve que someterlo a una tortura a base de chorro de arena

despues de chorrearlo un rato, al fin confeso, por lo que le pedi a un asiatico que me mandara algunos miembros para volver a dejarlo en estado de revista.

a partir de aqui le podeis ver como se va completando

a pertir de aqui bienen los problemas. para cambiar el chapter ring, tuve que quitar el cristal, al quitar el cristal se me fastidio la goma y ademas no hay dios que vuelva a poner el aro que sujeta el cristal.

Helppppp donde puedo comprar la goma y quien tiene una prensa para ajustar el cristallllllllll :grrrrrr::grrrrrr:


Te está quedando :) de precioso!! La aguja de los minutos en la foto tiene un color genial...

Donde lo submetiste a la tortura??

Lo de la goma del cristal no te puedo ayudar, por esso todavia no cambie los mios ( tampoco se donde conseguir la gomita :))



New member
Manolete, Manolete, si no sabes torear pa qué te metes...? La idea buena, los resultados, ya veremos...


New member
ya he localizado la referencia de la junta del cristal de los 6309 y 7002 es la glass gasket (code: EC3160). Alguno sabeis donde puedo comprar la junta?



New member
Tal vez esto te pueda ser de ayuda, extraido de un foro ingles:

The outer diameter size of both glasses on 150m diver's watches of 61 cal. and 63 cal. are same as just 32.00mm, and the glass gasket (code: EC3160) and the glass fixing ring (code: 83338969) are also same, so the common use of the glass may be able to be carried out.

The cross section of 150m diver's watch of 63 cal. was introduced on the S&C forum before.

Managing the dimensions is easy for glass in flat form, but in case of 61 cal. 150m diver's watches, as shown in the cross section drawing below, managing the dimensions seems to be troublesome due to the curved form glass


In comparison of the position of the glass bottom, that of 61 cal. is set to 0.86mm under than that of 63 cal. For this reason, if the flat glass (code: 320W34) of 63 cal. is constructed on 61 cal., it will interfere with the second hand, and the watch will stop. Conversely, if the curved glass (code: 320W26) of 61 cal. is constructed in 63 cal., the glass jumps out about 1 mm and becomes thick, but there are no functional abnormalities. So, it will be OK if the glass of 61cal. is described by drawings.

You probably know that the cost will become extremely high if you will make a small number of the sapphire glass newly. Some points on selecting a glass from among the existing glass will be described here, so even in case you will choose the glass which can be used on these watches from among the existing glass, you can refer to this, as well. OK, please see the drawing below.


First, the length of the minute hand from the center is maximum of 12.5mm, so it forms the circle which has the diameter of 25.0mm(D2) in the space. And the length of the second hand from the center is maximum of 11.0mm, so it forms the circle which has the diameter of 22.0mm(D3) in the space. For the reason of not interfering with the minute hand and the second hand, the clearance larger than 0.6 mm (original: 0.76mm) is recommended between the glass and each of those two hands. (red line)

For realizing the clearance, the dimension(H1) requires the height larger than 0.5mm (original: 0.66mm) from the glass bottom, and the dimension(H2) requires the height larger than 0.82mm (original: 0.98mm) from the glass bottom. The glass forms from a curved line which goes through these two points. It is all right about the point of the watch movement if a new glass has those sizes.

Next, as the dimensions related to a water resistant guarantee, the height(H3) of the cylinder part of the outer diameter(D1) is 1.30mm, and the angle(theta) to the upper surface slope of the glass from the cylinder end portion is from 30 degrees (61 cal.) to 45 degrees (63 cal.), and the chamfering (C) on the edge of the glass bottom is about 0.2mm. The glass fixing ring has the function of holding the above-mentioned upper surface slope of the glass [between 1.56mm (61 cal.) and 1.45mm (63 cal.) height(H4) from the glass bottom] by the path end portion of the inner diameter of 31.70mm(D4).

If the sizes of outer diameter and the mentioned portions above are same, you will be able to get or make the compatible sapphire glass with other shapes and dimensions.

I hope your dreams come true.


Ikuo Tokunaga


New member
Lo del chorro de arena me imagino para que es, pues la caja te quedo muy guapa ya me diras como se hace

Un saludo